Sporočamo, da lahko državljani Kraljevine Tajske urejajo upravne zadeve v Ljubljani dne 22. aprila 2023 med 09.00 – 15.00 uro v prostorih Urban Ring hotela, Dolenjska cesta 242c, Ljubljana.Storitve bodo vključevale obdelavo vloge za potni list, izdajo tajske osebne izkaznice, overitve in konzularno posvetovanje.
For the Thai Community in Slovenia: the annual visit of the Consular Mobile Unit from the Royal Thai Embassy in Vienna will be present on Saturday, 22 April 2022, from 09.00 -15.00 hours at the Hotel Urban Ring, Dolenjska cesta 242 c, Ljubljana. The services will include processing e-passport applications, Thai ID card issuance, legislation, and consular consultation. Attached is the Embassy’s Announcement.
Kindly note that, like last year, those who wish to receive services should pre-register via https://forms.gle/WtqG1LV7eZfoTYVn7